Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Weird -

Found on the Weblogs. . .
This is happening man! I mean, it's really my lucky day.
Heehee... Got 3 good random events in a few hours. (maybe common for you,[++]. But
it's my first time in a long while feeling so lucky)

First I got a Bag of Peanuts. Then I picked up a STrawberry Blumaroo Cone. And just now I
picked up a Deluxe Krawk Cracker.
Hmmm... I want more (preferably faerie quests) but I'm so sleepy. Arghhh....

posted by [ ] at 11:49 AM 0 comments
[thus we find, playing the online "Neopets". . .this source shall remain anon. as I think it's prob. from the blog of a 12-yr old! BUT LOOK at the enthusiasm and the Glee at "finding" (being given!) unexpected, Cool GOOD surprises. . .

Just what we ALL need to be on the Lookout for!! ]

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