Monday, April 04, 2005

Zany, OH yeaH

THis goHn ta be off-the-wall wHacked fer awHile till I get the mind to-getHer.

I'm gonna let fly and see wHat sticks on the wHippin, Here's a ZANY tHot~~

tHe Stollen Rones are doin a new tour out back in tHe Wild Westrn Woods of a night, and I won't be tHar.

No Prob~~ but I jest caint seem to get over the rolling moss gathering jokes from way back.

Now Heres a totHer tHing~~
You can Lead a HOSS to the Water, but You just can't Make him DrinK! And tHats a true-ism, boy! So wHay dont we jest saddle UP and RaHiide, pardnr.

(;-) to the SUnset and BeHyond! (;-)

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