Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Weird -

Found on the Weblogs. . .
This is happening man! I mean, it's really my lucky day.
Heehee... Got 3 good random events in a few hours. (maybe common for you,[++]. But
it's my first time in a long while feeling so lucky)

First I got a Bag of Peanuts. Then I picked up a STrawberry Blumaroo Cone. And just now I
picked up a Deluxe Krawk Cracker.
Hmmm... I want more (preferably faerie quests) but I'm so sleepy. Arghhh....

posted by [ ] at 11:49 AM 0 comments
[thus we find, playing the online "Neopets". . .this source shall remain anon. as I think it's prob. from the blog of a 12-yr old! BUT LOOK at the enthusiasm and the Glee at "finding" (being given!) unexpected, Cool GOOD surprises. . .

Just what we ALL need to be on the Lookout for!! ]

Monday, April 04, 2005

Zany, OH yeaH

THis goHn ta be off-the-wall wHacked fer awHile till I get the mind to-getHer.

I'm gonna let fly and see wHat sticks on the wHippin post...like, Here's a ZANY tHot~~

tHe Stollen Rones are doin a new tour out back in tHe Wild Westrn Woods of a night, and I won't be tHar.

No Prob~~ but I jest caint seem to get over the rolling moss gathering jokes from way back.

Now Heres a totHer tHing~~
You can Lead a HOSS to the Water, but You just can't Make him DrinK! And tHats a true-ism, boy! So wHay dont we jest saddle UP and RaHiide, pardnr.

(;-) to the SUnset and BeHyond! (;-)

Seriously, Folks

IZ Zanything GOOD out there anymore?
This me-log is borne out of the frustration to search and search and seaRCH AGAIN but not to find what I'm really LOOking for! Aren't you tired of getting pages of nonsense, off-target, time-wasting search engine "results" that don't FIT what you're trying to find!?

*** That's because they are assembled by machine, not the human touch-- and they certainly can't Evaluate the results, let alone, Sift, Sort, Prioritize or Specify within the actual context of what You are Thinking (and Needing!)

SooOO, I invite You All to help Me, together,
to chronicle the GOOD THINGS that we are finding, the best stuff you use, find, buy, experience, talk-about, share and refer others to.

With the confidence and sincerity that you know

  • what DOES work,
  • where you've gotten GOOD service!
  • GOOD products!
  • GOOD life experiences
  • in short: ZanyGOOD results! from your own or your friends & family's Quests,
  • and ZanyGOOD! anywhere, local, global or on the Net~~

that you would recommend to anyone else trying to find in the same way.

I will lead the way as best I can, but this is a wide-reaching collaborative effort and I have no idea where it may take us~~~~~~(:-)

I will be posting ZanyThingGood that I come across, from... Lo, these 14,623+ accumulated days [?] of earthly planetary existence~~ and invite you to do the same!

Let's watch this
blog theme~~Good meme~~best referrals~~
wingDing chronicle grOW!

Thanks, your contributions are always Welcome! [ RSS feeds to come soon... ]