Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Secret Promo Codes

Get Free Stuff with your Great Stuff

Here's some Secret and FREE Deals you can get for helping me to get one too! Just click or type these codes for Hot items that I think are really Cool--including a FREE iPod, FREE PC (HP, Acer, CyberX, etc), FREE satellite, FREE designer Handbags, and More!

Some you just GET and GO--that's it. Others all you do is agree to get a deal on things like: Blockbuster -- DVD club -- Play the Slots -- major credit cards -- Lowes card -- USA Today delivery -- ETC. -- stuff that in themselves is already really great!

When some friends do the same on your Recommendation, they send you your Free Whatever You Choose. What can be better than FREE?!

I will be on the lookout for adding more Secret FREE deals here as I stumble onto them. . .

| FREE | Click to Get > > | 479p8 |
| STUFF | Click to Get > > | 4vzu2 |
Click to Get > >
| 5hhku |
Click to Get > >
| 5kbub |
Click to Get > >
| 6eqpe |
SO-- refer your friends here, email them or give them your and their Own Secret Codes and you're IN!

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

NEW Zanything--GOOD!?

I hate to have my first post for "Zanything Good?" to be about virus junk-- but here it is:

Since I have dealt with the slimey creature(s) this past week-- malware, virus, trojans, stealth spyware & adware and the like-- if you want to use some GREAT products, get these!

Spybot Search and Destroy-- U gotta Love the Name! FREE and I encourage a Donation to them!

Ad-sense SE -- from LavaSoft.com -- also FREE and very thorough.

SuperAD blocker.com -- a NEW great product that gives you a 15-day FREE trial-- It detected and removed MANY pesky bugs that the other two found (sometimes) but seemed not to eliminate.

I used these 3 repeatedly until the whole mess was cleared. [ Update-- I still get one remaining nasty on startup, but it can't do anything as it's "other half" has been chopped-off at the arm. ]

Get These! Please add your Referrals in Comments here, of ZanythingGood in the Spyware/ Junkware Killers!!