Thursday, June 26, 2008

Big Bird comin' thru! <Riffs ontheRoad>


Mobile post sent by zoooks using Utterzreply-count Replies.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Riffs on the Road - Safari at STL Zoo

Mobile post sent by zoooks using Utterz. reply-count Replies. mp3

More BuZZ from Zoooks!

Mobile post sent by zoooks using Utterzreply-count Replies.  mp3

Friday, June 20, 2008

Monday, June 09, 2008

Overwrite Original MMS title here

Start here and Add Title - etc. - - all the way across b/c email had this Header!!!

Trial send thru sprint PICMail
to post : strange : LH to RH spacing:

-- draft first, then eliminate junk and
type / edit / format before publish.


Now this was a coool moooove - cut/paste to here within this format block from the original Sprint email layout. . .

WHat is THIS ACTION?!?!... this is actually fun :)

>>> Now where is this?!?!?!?! BE SURE TO EDIT this original FOOTER!! <<<
>>> this text disappeared as if in [white] fontcolor (?) <<<

Saturday, June 07, 2008